Product Summary
Hollowcore slabs are prestressed elements generally used for flooring for both commercial projects and houses.
Prestressed hollowcore floor slabs are an effective solution for high quality, affordable concrete floor construction. Hollowcore panels have longitudinal cores running through them which decrease the weight and material within the floor whilst maintaining maximum strength. To further increase the strength the units are reinforced with steel strands.
Drumderry’s panels are produced from polished steel beds using the Echo Engineering system and have a very high quality finish to both soffit and top edges of the slab.

Design Qualities
Drumderry’s Hollowcore Qualities:
- Long spans – up to 18.5 meters
- Reduced Labour - Less propping required and instant access to the work site
- Light Weight Units
- Structural Capacity
- Durable
- Fast efficient installation
- Fire Resistance
- Noise Reduction
- Thermal Insulation
- Flexible design
- Cost effective

Technical / Design Specification
Drumderry Hollowcore Slab Depths:
- 150mm Thick Hollowcore Slab
- 200mm Thick Hollowcore Slab
- 250mm Thick Hollowcore Slab
- 300mm Thick Hollowcore Slab
- 400mm Thick Hollowcore Slab
- 500mm Thick Hollowcore Slab